Let's commit together

Shaping major transformations together
IMT’s teaching and research teams carry out outstanding research in science, technology and management, which sets out to provide answers to the economic and ethical issues facing companies and society.
Today, we are designing and building – together – a world that reconciles science, technology and economic development with respect for the planet and its inhabitants.
specific and technological knowledge
IMT hosts international and PhD students, and conducts major research projects in close collaboration with industry and business, achieving the highest standards of academic excellence. Attentive to the needs and expectations of its European and international partners, it synergistically combines the specific strengths of its various universities of technology (science and management) in order to support transformations.
for tomorrow’s skills
Within its Technological Universities (of science and management) located throughout France, it offers international students high-level, multidisciplinary training programs, and adopts a concrete approach to building a sustainable future.
Enhance, and Support
IMT is receptive to the needs and expectations of companies of all sizes, integrating them into its strategic orientations and activities. Benefiting from a strong industrial and digital culture, it provides tailor-made assistance for their development and transformation, by mobilizing the training, research and innovation capacities of its numerous Technological Universities (of science and management).
scientific and technological culture
IMT scientific news