5 minutes to discover IMT new action plans for gender equality and against harassment, sexist and sexual violence and discrimination.

IMT reaffirms its commitment to equality and inclusion with the adoption of these two new action plans.

In this video, Catherine Torricelli, Human Resources Director, and Gabrielle Landrac, Director of Education, review the major advances of the 2021-2023 gender equality plan and present the new actions planned for the 2024-2026 period.

They also talk about the plan to combat harassment, sexist and sexual violence and discrimination, part of a shared drive to reinforce a culture of equality and respect within the IMT for students and staff.

Take less than 5 minutes to discover how these two collaborative plans are working together to build a safe, inclusive and equitable work and training environment for all!

The video is in French, but you can use CC to activate English subtitles.