HRS4R Label

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) label, awarded by the European Commission, aims to help research establishments and organisations improve their practices in terms of working conditions, recruitment and ethics, based on the 20 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment.
These objectives are fully in line with the policy of IMT, reinforcing the attractiveness and international influence of the establishment, as well as its active participation in the European research area.
With this in mind, IMT has officially embarked on the HRS4R labelling process.
A major asset for the attractiveness of research careers at IMT Technological Universities
This label represents a major asset for the attractiveness of research careers and for the ITM schools, by attracting researchers from all over Europe. It ensures equal treatment between the different schools and facilitates access to European research funding. These objectives are fully in line with the ITM’s policy of supporting research and those involved in it.
The video is in French, click on CC to display English subtitles
IMT’s commitments
The IMT’s commitments as part of the HRS4R label are currently being drawn up.
IMT’s HRS4R documents
Available later
Documents, charters & commitments (in French)
- Recommandation du conseil du 18 décembre 2023 – Charte européenne du chercheur et code de conduite pour le recrutement
- Charte nationale de déontologie des métiers de la recherche (PDF, Hcéres)
- Recommandations pour la poursuite des méconduites dans la recherche (PDF)
- Charte Science ouverte de l’IMT
- Charte « CPas1Option » contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles de l’IMT
- Plan de lutte contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles de l’IMT (PDF)
- Charte Erasmus + de l’IMT
- Charte accueil des élèves étrangers à l’IMT
- Plan égalité Femme/Homme de l’IMT (PDF)
- L’intégrité scientifique à l’IMT
- L’engagement de l’IMT pour un avenir durable
- Stratégie 2023-2027 de l’IMT
Contacts & Comités
Project Management
Myriam Mikhael, project manager
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Steering committee
- Yann Busnel, Scientific Director, IMT
- Magali Cesbron, Deputy Human Resources Manager
- Vincent Charvillat, Deputy Director General of ITM and Chairman of ITM Transfert
- Marc Delage, Head of Europe and international R&D, IMT
- Olivier Epinette, International Director, IMT
- Vanessa Gancel, Recruitment and HR Development Manager, IMT
- Catherine Hellio, Associate Director , IMT Atlantique
- Myriam Mikhael, HRS4R project manager, IMT
- Samir Ould Ali, General Secretary, IMT
- Alain Schmitt, President, IMT Nord Europe
- Catherine Torricelli, Human Resources Director, IMT
Implementation committee
Presidents of each IMT Technological Universities